
Your Choice of Underwriting

Cover for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

GlobalFusion provides a range of underwriting methods to extend cover to you. You may choose to have your application underwritten and to apply on either a Full Medical Underwriting or a Moratorium Underwriting basis, or in some cases we may offer you our Flexible Underwriting Option. Your choice of either a Full Medical Underwriting Policy or a Moratorium Underwriting Policy will affect the basis upon which, and the coverage (if any), that will available for pre-existing medical conditions.

*Note: For Bronze Sub-Plans there is no cover for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions irrespective of your choice of Medical Underwriting.

Full Medical Underwriting Policy* - With Full Medical Underwriting, you must complete a full medical questionnaire. Upon review of your responses and any additional information we require from you or your physician, we decide whether we can accept you for cover and any limitations on your cover. We then confirm any medical conditions that are excluded. Where cover is in effect for 24 continuous months under the Plan, you are provided with Pre-Existing Condition cover up to the annual and lifetime limits of the Plan for eligible fully disclosed and accepted Pre-Existing Conditions as defined by the Plan and subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy Wording. This benefit is payable even if you have received consultation or treatment for the condition(s) during the 24 month period. Where we specifically have excluded cover for a disclosed Pre-Existing Condition and after 24 months of cover your condition has improved, you may request review of that exclusion. Pre-Existing Conditions which have not been disclosed will never be covered.

Note: If you apply for a Full Medical Underwriting Policy and are declined on medical grounds, you may re-apply for a Moratorium Underwriting Policy (acceptance is not guaranteed).

The Silver and Gold Plus sub-plans provide a $50,000/£27,500/€33,500 lifetime benefit for eligible pre-existing conditions that existed at or prior to the effective date, subject to a maximum of $5000/£2750/€3350 per Period of Insurance. This benefit is payable whether or not you have received consultation or treatment for the condition(s) during the 24-month period of continuous cover.

Moratorium Underwriting Policy* - Moratorium Underwriting enables you to apply for your plan without completing a full health questionnaire. Instead, we apply blanket exclusions for any preexisting medical conditions you have had. The 'moratorium' refers to the fact that if, after 24 months of continuous cover under your plan, you demonstrate two consecutive years without symptoms or treatment or consultation, advice (excluding routine check-ups), medication (including injections) or special diet for a pre-existing condition (or any related conditions), then should you need subsequent treatment for that condition, you will have cover for it subject to the plan’s terms and conditions (refer to Schedule of Cover, Section 18.b for Sum Insured). Under the Moratorium Underwriting option, many pre-existing medical conditions, where you need regular or periodic treatment, medication, or check-ups, which existed prior to your purchase of your plan, may never be covered. This is because each symptom or treatment, consultation, advice (excluding routine check-ups), medication (including injections), or special diet for a preexisting condition (or any related conditions) starts the moratorium again.

See Policy Wording for definition of 'Pre-Existing Conditions' and a complete list of exclusion and other terms and conditions (available upon request).

Flexible Underwriting Option* - Where you may have otherwise been declined for cover, the Flexible Underwriting Option allows us to extend cover to you. After 24 months of continuous cover, a preexisting condition which has not been specially excluded by a Personal Medical Exclusion, will be covered the same as any other pre-existing condition, so long as in that 24 month period no treatment has been received for that condition. If treatment has been sought, then the 24 month period starts over from the treatment date. Treatment includes: 1) Consulted any physician for Medical Treatment or Advice (other than routine check-ups); or 2) Taken medication (including prescription drugs, special diets or injections).

*Note: 1. That for Bronze Sub-Plans there is no cover for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions irrespective of your choice of Medical Underwriting. 2. Under the terms and conditions of the Plan, if you do not provide the medical practitioner’s details as requested under this Application, any claim under the Plan for a Pre-Existing Condition will be rejected.

* This Web page contains only a consolidated and summary description of all current benefits, conditions, limitations and exclusions. A certificate containing the complete Certificate Wording with all terms, conditions and exclusions will be included in the fulfillment kit. IMG reserves the right to issue the most current Certificate Wording for this insurance plan in the event this Web page, application, and/or brochure has expired, is modified, or is replaced with a newer version. Current Certificate Wordings are available upon request.