Strength & Financial Stability

SiriusPoint International Insurance Company (publ.)

When deciding which company will insure your health, there are many important factors to consider. In addition to comprehensive benefits and experienced administration, there must be the commitment and financial stability of an established international insurance company.

While IMG provides complete plan administration expertise, our globally recognized underwriter, Sirius International Insurance Corporation (publ), offers the financial security and reputation demanded by international consumers. Rated A- (excellent) by A.M. Best and A- by Standard & Poor's*, SiriusPoint International Insurance Company (publ) shares IMG's vision of the international marketplace and offers the stability of a well-established insurance company. Sirius Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of CM International Holding Pte. Ltd (CMIH).

Growing year by year, expanding globally, building upon a solid reputation, remaining stable but never standing still - these characteristics make IMG and SiriusPoint the team to choose for your Global Peace of Mind®. (SiriusPoint is the DBA of SiriusPoint Ltd., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of CM International Holding Pte. Ltd (CMIH).)

*Sources: Ratings are accurate as of the date of publishing and are subject to change.